Europa SDI: Datum Subgroup
Meeting Notes from: May 24, 2023When 8PM GMT, 12PM PST, 1PM MST MS Teams Meeting
- Trent
- Mike
- Paul
- Jay
- Mike:
- The final USGS network allowed Cilix to adjust.
- Has a Juno image and has points that he is happy with. He just needs to run the bundle.
- Is good with how to do a multi-instrument bundle in ISIS.
- Some of the reconstructed SPICE for Voyager is really terrible. So the data need to be updated a bit (deltack; resected) to get the observations onto the body.
- Is it necessary to remove the SPICE from the data? Don’t think so. Watch for the covariance matrices as they are effectively weights.
- Paul:
- Would like the bundle to support off-body pixels - automatic resection?
- Working on inter-image registration more. Finding more low-quality control points in the network. That is a concern for the shape model, but not necessarily for the image mosaics.
- Question: What is the broader timeline for the creation of a final network?
- Europa is a priority. September / early October to having a network (Voyager, Galileo I/II (high and low resolution), and Juno).
- Question: Is the intention to run the test or not run the tests as previously discussed?
- Yes, but after the intern is done.
- Question: Is the proposed work going to address the offsets that were measured?
- Yes, this will tell us how relevant the differences are.
- No, the low-res to high-res is not necessarily the issue. The low-res to low-res should, intuitively match better.
- Paul can run the adjustment this summer.
June 20 @12PM PST