Europa SDI 2022-12-15 Working Meeting (DRAFT)
Meeting Notes from: November 17, 2022When 8PM GMT, 12PM PST, 1PM MST
- Mike Bland
- Robin Fergason
- Cynthia Phillips
- Jay Laura
- Paul Schenk
- LPSC Abstract submitted.
- Very happy to hear from IAU re: longitudes. We can get them on the schedule.
- Need to socialize why the decision that was made was made.
- Voyager data
- Mike sent data to the person who was asking for these data got a pre-release product.
- Still on the todo list.
- Just finishing off the metadata for the Europa DTMs. Voyager after that.
- Discussion of tutorials to support the Europa data releases.
- For tutorials need to decide what we want and have someone assigned to do it.
- DTM and image align. Would be a GIS style tutorial. How to throw them together, make some profiles.
- Quick discussion of SPD-41a and copyrights.
- We’ll keep our license selections to support the need for attribution for data providers.
- Horizontal datum / Juno:
- Abstract in for LPSC (Juno part); committed to do the work. Cartography and topography discussed with good results.
- No discussion at the upcoming Europa Clipper PSG meeting.
- No spot in the agenda. It is quite full and more working interactions.
- Instead, we should present this at a monthly science team meeting.
- Let’s present Monday, March 6th at noon PST.
- How close are we to having a horizontal datum? We will adopt the datum.
- Vector data - we have standards for vecvtor data. USGS is willing to host these under the Europa SDI.
- We are ready for your data.
- We are ready to help you host and advertise your data in a compliant way.
- Working to coordinate with JUICE. Who? Mike might have some contacts. Cynthia too.
- Project science might be a good initial PoC.
- Data can be uploaded with an abstract.
- Recommendations about what those data can and can not be. This would be for meeting organizers.
- Jay: How to find Europa data (spatial / temporal) and how to download it.
- Jay: Get in touch with someone at JUICE.
- Jay: Draft some sort of intake for new data or services that we can integrate.
- Robin: Sharing agreement. We have a science base agreement. We can use that verbatim?