Data Format Standards
- Data in raster format will be provided as cloud optimized GeoTiffs(COG), complying with the above projection standards.
- Data in vector format will be provided in OGC GeoPackage format with information stored in decimal degrees (i.e., no map projection applied)
- Data in raster format can be provided as cloud optimized GeoTiffs, complying with the above projection standards. These data will be accessed via their STAC data files.
- Data in raster format can be provided using OGC compliant WMS service. Said service must encode a proper IAU 2015 projection code.
- Data in vector format can be served using an OCG compliant WFS or WMTS service using the standards defined above. The server must encode a proper IAU 2015 projection code.
- The STAC-API specification (a remotely accessible search service) will be used to support metadata query and data discoverability.