Europa SDI 2023-08-24 Working Meeting
Meeting Notes from: May 24, 2023When 8PM GMT, 12PM PST, 1PM MST
- Cynthia
- Mike
- Trent
- Paul
- Ross
- Jay
- Updates on data:
- Vector data submissions?
- Europa Geologic map, still not out. What’s going on?
- Raster data submissions?
- Raw image Voyager data. Whose court is that in? Jay and Mike will figure that out.
- Versions with and without reseaus would be preferable. One where reseaus are nulled and not there, one where they are beautified.
- Vector data submissions?
- Paul’s data:
- Thanks for delivering Paul!
- What are these data? Paul:
- Data provided are map projected mosaics of the key observations in the control network. These key observations are part of the global mosaic.
- The data include observations from 5-7 km/pixel.
- These were sent to ensure that the control network was not distorted to the existing USGS mosaics.
- Not sure that these are in the same map projection as the data that USGS is comparing to.
- Mike:
- Started to do a comparison. No map2map yet.
- Has been comparing these to the USGS products that were released.
- What does it mean to have a horizontal datum? What do we do when there are offsets? Does that tell us anything about the accuracy of the mosaics?
- Mike show’s the observation mosaics that the USGS made.
- Comparison of the data:
- Difference rasters do not work.
- Paul’s data have been photometrically corrected.
- Good alignment at the low resolution stuff. Cilix looks good between these.
- Shifting areas to E15, their are offsets between E15 USGS and E15 from Paul. There is a ~950 m offset. Similar to E11.
- Other areas (E3) are super locked in.
- Each data set (USGS and Paul’s) are internally self consistent.
- Question: Will the USGS high resolution stuff align with a Schenk mosaic?
- It looks like it is generally at the pixel level. Maybe 2 pixels.
- Is this the expected accuracy?
- USGS states that internally, the accuracies are to 0.5 pixels. Are the USGS absolute uncertainties actually higher? By a factor of 2? Or is something else systematic going on?
- Overall, looking really good. This is really hard.
- Paul thoughts:
- These data used the USGS points plus his own points that include JunoCam and New Horizons.
- USGS:Paul, 5:1 ratio of points.
- Paul’s points were all hand picked. He found errors in the USGS points.
- The number of points that Paul removed was trivial. He does not think that that really changed anything. He assumed that this was a weight of numbers approach that swamped the bad points.
- The JunoCam area is important to see what the effects might be.
- It might twist the control on the antipodal side.
- One option: when selecting a horizontal datum would be to re-create the USGS products using Paul’s updated network.
- Paul can send the high resolution mosaics.
- Once this datum (Paul’s mosaic as the proxy for the horizontal datum) is okayed, USGS products and DTMs would be recreated.
- Nominally, this is the path to take after more analysis.
- Where does it make sense to focus comparisons?
- In the JunoCam areas.
- ToDo: Is the 1km offset significant?
- E4 and Cilix mosaics are uploading now. Others will take a while to upload.
- Mike Malaska and Ashley Davies are about to release the NIMs data.
- How does 360 band get served?
- It’s not a ton of data.
- Data are hand controlled to what?
- The old USGS base map (2000).
- This is so low resolution, does it matter?
- Mike talked to Mike and offered support (at LPSC).
- This is a small archive, so it gets an internal PDS review. ANyone interested in doing a science review?
- Beau vector data?
- Not sure yet. No time pressure.
- Rest of the year:
- Outreach to JUICE (Jay; still todo.)
- Build engagement materials (punt into September)
- Review the strategy and roadmap documents
- What do we want to achieve next year?
September 28th @12PM PST