2023-06-08 Working Meeting
Meeting Notes from: May 12, 2023Meetings are public and interested parties are encouraged to attend. Meetings occur on the second Thursday of every month at the time indicated below.
Time | Time Zone |
5PM | EDT |
4PM | CDT |
3PM | MDT |
2PM | PDT |
Number: 1-833-436-1163 Meeting Code: 864 509 369#
Marc Hunter
Brent Archinal
Sarah Black
Ross Beyer
Jay Laura
Updates on action items from previous meeting:
- Meeting Times:
- Jay: Add Sam and Slyvester to the when is good.
- Everyone: When is good poll.
- Jay: Collect emailed feedback and send a shared word document. Update as responses come in.
- Result: No good time….
- Sam soliciation:
- Jay: Send Sam the feedback solicitation paragraph.
- This fell off my radar. Apologies to Sam - still send?
- Outreach:
- Someone: Steve Indyk at Honeywell. LEAG commercial advisory board. (Not done.)
- Jay need to do that. Also ping Nick @LROC (Done)
- Jay: Follow up with MAPSIT and LEAG. (Done)
- Add Sam formally to the organization.(Done)
- Road map Updats:
- Tomorrow or Monday finalize the edits from Laz and incorporate. Email the group. (Done)
- Everyone: Review the charter / road map
- Meetings:
- Marc: Get on the lunar geologic mapping meeting agenda.
- Marc will ping Sam to get on the agenda.
- Has ASC seen themes for this meeting?
- No sense for what the agenda is at this point.
- Multiple topics / lots of topics.
- The community expressing what it needs is an important aspect of the workshop.
- Meeting Times:
Planned actions:
- Formally adopt the chart.
- More time needed to review. Defer to next month.
- Formally adopt the road map.
- More time needed to review. Defer to next month.
- Discussion of the feedback from the standards comments.
- 0-360: The data are stored in 0-360, but can be displayed in any form that people desire.
- Recommend that the data be stored in 0-360.
- The data can be in the -180 to 180 domain as needed.
- Documentation.
- Data interpolation:
- Some users say that data that is interpolated can not be used. Some data can, arguably not be used without interpolation.
- Do we need to have an applicability of standards comment?
- How and under what circumstances do we intend to have these apply?
- Use cases for how this can be done?
- How do these impact current data processing pipelines?
- How do you grandfather in existing missions?
- Open Data Access Policy just got pushed. That is pretty impactful. This is marketing.
- Write this as applicability of standards. Your particular data product or investigation may require something else. Documentation is the key.
- Push harder on the documentation and metadata the MOST.
- 0-360: The data are stored in 0-360, but can be displayed in any form that people desire.
- Formally adopt the chart.
- Marc: Follow up with Jim. He’ll get onto the agenda.
- Please read charter and roadmap. Goal is to disucuss (if needed) and adopt (if possible) in July.
- Take a stab at some language for applicability of standards and goals of these standards.
July 13 @ 2PM PST.