2024-1-25 Working Meeting (DRAFT)
Meeting Notes from: November 17, 2022When 8PM GMT, 12PM PST, 1PM MST https://jpl.webex.com/jpl/j.php?MTID=m3c96c22ed8e335e55dbd40c9084e3763
- Cynthia
- Ross
- Mike
- Jay
- Paul
- Trent
- Clipper Meeting
- Clipper / EIS is starting to think about products that are going to be created.
- How are they going to be rectified to one another?
- EIS as a team has a handle on what they are doing. They are aware that some inter-team discussion (in the future) is needed to ensure interoperability.
- Instruments are getting to a good place and so attention can be put onto other things.
- Question about the SIS/labels and the formats that are going to be delivered.
- Yes, these exist.
- Once we have a public SIS, we can/should do a cross comparison.
- Nominally, we think these will all be in PDS standard formats, so would need some work to become ARD that meets the ESDI standards.
- Discussion on phases of the mission and how that might impact the evolution of the reference frame.
- Expecting a SIS in the first PDS delivery, which is 3-6 months after launch. Perhaps by the end of this calendar year.
- RADAR team / altimeter for topography.
- Horizontal datum, looking at Paul’s controlled data and Mike’s data
- Mike screen shared and shows off the updated mosaic.
- Shows misalignment between the global mosaic and Mike’s work.
- Original thought that this was because of the addition of JunoCAM data and/or the change in ellipsoid.
- This is not surprising that differences exist between the control.
- Within a pixel or two movement is expected. The hope was that the most recent iteration would remove most of that, except that cause by JunoCAM data.
- Offsets are on the order of 4-5 km (at their worst).
- Current question is ‘why is this occurring?’.
- Discussion of the control, process:
- USGS sent control network.
- Plan is to get Mike and Paul together.
- Assessment of what the displacement is (Paul will do that).
- Were the right SPICE kernels used.
- Correct ellipsoid.
- et cetera.
- More discussion on the data provenance - GTiff / Cub / Proj checks.
- STAC streaming into ArcPro (Trent shared pics).
- Paul / Mike get together to discuss offsets in the reference.
- Trent JMars